
Sink Detectives Book 3 'Monday': Bully for You! is the third book in the Sink Detectives series and was first published in May 2020. It is available in both paperback format and eBook (Kindle).

Monday sees the Sinks hailed as heroes, but will they still be heroes by the end of the day? In this third instalment of the Sink family mysteries the Sinks start the day expecting things will be back to normal. Well, pretty much normal, and they are right. Right, that is, if revenge is part of your normal day. Normal if wet Zebras roam the streets. Normal if your dreams slip through your fingers as your reputation ends up in the gutter with some kid in red socks pretending to row. I suppose that's when a superhero might step in. If only a boy Gremlin hadn't blown him to bits in the backyard. Oh, the humanity.

From the back cover: Revenge is sweet! Well, that's what they say. But I don't think revenge is sweet. To me it tastes a bit like chicken. Yeah sorry, that old it tastes like chicken joke. That's not funny. Neither is someone's unstoppable, deviously crafted plan of revenge. Monday, and one person in Peachborough makes good on repeated promises. Dreams of striped jackets come within reach, only to be snatched away. Wet Zebras roam the streets. Once mighty super heroes lay broken in defeat, and some, who town's folk once hailed heroes, are now villains. Who you may ask? The Sinks, of course...

An illustrated early reader chapter book for ages 6 and up.

A Preview of both the paperback and Kindle versions are available here:

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